My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Friday, 19 October 2012

The Best Days..

I know it has been quite along time since I've posted my last post. My bad.

I just thought if I disappeared for awhile I would get a message from you :F. I know, I know totally crazy. It just came to my mind to do this. Well, no harm I guess, cause I didn't get any:F

I know you want me to forget everything, actually I feel your presence is slipping away from my mind. Not my choice, though. It just when you don't have something tangible to connect your memory with, this just happen. I do my best not. I write in my journal about everything and pray all the time. Don't misunderstand. I'm happy. I'm really is:)

I wish you are doing great with everything, and that's your family are doing well, too. I miss them alot, they were ..actually they are still part of my family. I don't know if you want to hear anything about me. But, I will just write that..whatever :F

Nothing new, except that I have been reading alot alot lately. I join a book club, we meet on Thursdays. It's a really wonderful experience, I meet different kind of girls, we discuss books and so. On Wednesdays, I babysit my cousin's baby :F The rest of the week goes very fast as I try to read as much as I can so I can join them in the club.

Soon is my birthday, if you remember...or no, you remember something else happened in the same month :P You are naughty my brother, you always do this when my BD approaches! naughty, naughty :F I will get a future letter, I know it will be the same as that of last year :F, but I'm quite sure it has its wonderful taste, cause it was written from an honest heart who cares about me as much as my dad cared about me.

I'm having a terrible flu brother these days. This weather is crazy :F

If you are reading this, I know you would wonder why I decided to write again. Well, for three reasons. first, I lost hope that I will receive anything :F. I know the reason, don't worry. I know Nsh'Allah that you still care about me as your oldest sister. It was actually stupid idea to make you worry why did I disappear:(. Secondly, Today is the third of the holy 10 days. I found your memory today very profound within me. Maybe because you used to encourage me to do good deeds during these days. I promise brother to be good and improve myself to be a better person. These days make me realize that I need to reconcile with myself more and come back here to talk to you my brother. Pray for me, and I promise I will always always always pray for you and your family..both families, if you know what I mean :P. And yeah brother, I still remember your guidance, no fasting on 13th this month, cause it is one of "Tashreeq days". See, I'm a good sister :).  Last reason, I missed you alot bro. I cannot be away all this way without checking upon your whereabouts! You would say that you don't reply, I would tell you that I'm a woman I can just feel you as a mother feel her baby. Don't say you are not a mother, then I will kill you :F. I will be a mother one day, if not here..I will be one in Heaven :) And yeah, once I told you I want to have babies and you said you will be mine :F, so technically and by your own words, I'm your mother :F Listen to me or I will pull your beard :F

I have much to say..but maybe in another post..suspense :)

Now, it is 11 p.m, Friday 19, Oct 2012, I have to do write few things tonight :)

So till next post, stay happy and good my best bro ever ^_^