My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

My Prayer...

The pain that I feel in my heart is real,

But these are feelings that I don't want to feel.

Please Allah help me to be strong,

As I know feeling like this is wrong.

You know the pain that I feel in my heart,

Please take it away, make it depart.

I'm so tired and weary Dear Lord,

These feelings I cannot afford.

I want to feel alive, I want to feel free,

I want to be the best Muslim that I can be.

Please take this pain, throw it away,

I need to prostrate to You and pray.

Please Allah forgive my anger,

These feelings are from Shaitan- I'm in danger!

Please calm my heart, calm my mind,

Let me feel the peace that I yearn to find.

Thank You Allah for hearing me out,

Thank You Allah for allowing me to take the right route.