My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Friday, 27 March 2009

It is never too late..

It is never too late to recall the goal once we have set to oursleves..

It is never too late to fulfill the dreams once we have dreamt to enjoy..

It is never too late to draw the smile on our faces which once have smiled to the whole world..

It is never too late to say

(( Here I'm ))

to the world once has known the most optimisitc souls..

It is always NEVER too late

Happily I watch them fly...

Days after days..

Hours, minutes and seconds fly..

Happy or sad..they fly in front of my eyes..

I tried to chase them..

I tried to catch them..

But couldn't even to touch them!!

I told him to bring them back to me

to catch them for me

The angelic voice of him told me to Smile

to be happy to watch them fly

to be proud of each butterfly

He told me each butterfly is a sparkling star in the sky

A star I can look at when I'm sad..

A star I can cherish when I'm happy..

They are the butterflies which can tell him of how much I miss him..

Happily I watch them fly..Happily I Watch him simle..

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Happy Mom Day..

Happy Mother Day..

I wish I could tell you Mom

How much you mean to me...

But there are no words to describe,

How much I admire you..

How much I appreciate you..

How much I thank you..

For everything you have done.


Monday, 9 March 2009

For the one makes my day..

Saturday, 7 March 2009

It isn't worth!!

Life is not worth without you..

My life doesn not worth to be here..

Why not? and you have gone!!
How can I bear your departure?

How can I spread my flowers?
Go..Go I accept your heart!

This's my destiny..this's my fate.

You have been the candle of my lifeThe candle enlightened my life.
Your light went...went in the sunset !!

Had not you promise to share me my life?to be my only love and guider in this life..
Oh how pity that death was nearer than me...Oh how pity!!
But Allah will be sufficient and enough for me..

Tranaltion of the lines of the Arabic poem in the video

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Him !!!

Time ago I have had the honor to meet him

With love, we live together in a dreamy world.

He stands with me in hardships and rejoice

He shows me my faults

And leads me to my true roads.

He laughs with me and I laugh with him

My heart bleeds when I saw his teasrs.

In his departure, Gloomy thoughts invade my heart

What happens to him?

Is he fine?

Is he angry of me?

My limbs shiver with his Goodbye

I dive in my worries and tears


He lends me his soft hand to rescue me

I cling to him ..he is my only lifeboat

How many times he picks me up?

How many times he cheers me up?

How many times I taste bitterness with his farewell?

But what tortures me more and kills me till core is that

He doesn't know how much I love him!

Oh..How much I feel comfort near him..

How much I feel warm beside him..

How many times he embrace me with his kindness

And embarress me with his respect.

Oh..How stupid I'm to hide my true feelings from him

I killed myself by my own hands

Why not? and he doesn't know how much I love him!!

Your Heart mamy is my refugee in all time..He is my own Kingdom.

This is My confession to you ...I love you and I will love you till the last breath.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009
