Today is the first official anniversary of my blog. I have posted my first post in the same day a year ago. Since that day I can not believe how much fun and joy this has been!
I started my blog with the encouragement of one of my friend “Mo!”. He encouraged me to share my experience with others in the blog...which brought me on 28 July 2008 to publish my own blog “My own world”. So far this experience has been really satisfying..I have got to know many people, visit many other blogs. It has been really the most interesting thing I have ever done in years..
My first post was about “Loneliness” which was the thing my friend wanted me to publish a blog,to share others my experience and thoughts would help me to escape the sense of loneliness, my friend told me..and indeed it has really worked ! Since that post; day after day I felt I'm involved more with others and much happier to articulate the feelings in my heart.
On this day, I want to say “ Thank You” Mo! For everthing are my best friend and my best brother..Since the very first day I have posted my first post, I meant it to be for You..cause I'm certain you will read it daily to the end of the journey...
I would like also to say Big Thank You to everyone who visit and read my blog
Thank you,Thank you, Thank you
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