A memory of invasion always haunts me..
It was not an invasion of a country..
It was not an invasion of a territory..
It was an invasion of a heart..
It was not an invasion of a country..
It was not an invasion of a territory..
It was an invasion of a heart..
My Heart..
My heart was invaded with armed soldiers..
With soldiers of love..
With soldiers of passion..
They announced my heart to be their right..
My heart tried to resist..
Tried not to accept..
Tried to confront..
At last, it waved the flag of submit,
Of surrender, of regret..
My heart chose to be the salve of this love..
To live under this love..
To live under this passion..
But, he suffered ..
He wept…
Not of submit..
But trying to not forget..
He was just a slave..
He was just a slave..
He suffered because he loved his invader
He wept because he adored his raider
He couldn't love and be silent..
He couldn't ..
He couldn't…
One day, he revealed his love..
He revealed his passion and obsession..
Me too..was the invader's replay!!
I love you too..
I adore you too..
But, it was too late..
It was too late to love..
It was too late to adore..
It was time to leave..
It was time to escape..
It was only time to die..
To die together as we suffered together..
My heart killed him
As his heart did to me..
It is not a memory of invasion..
It is a memory of love.
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