My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I got two smiles !

I'm so so so happy ! 

I knew that the second day of Eid will prove a better day as I professed in my last post :).

It was a dull day, but then at night I got a message from a dear friend which makes my whole day ! It was amazing to get unexpected message and more wonderful to be a great one !

No, no. They have to make a show in TV and ask people to come and share their best, unexpected moments. I think I will chose this one and talk till the end of show. Or you know what ! I think the show has to be for me alone to tell you stories about my reflections on such sweet, beautiful moments. However, we should not forget to thank Allah for giving us this chance to enjoy happiness and tranquility !
Thanks Allah :)
I really cannot express how much I was happy, that I kept re reading it till 9 hours later :)

Thank you for making me happy !