My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Monday, 21 November 2011


I have been struggling against temptation for a quit time now. It's so hard !

Knowing that what I want to do is wrong and against all what I promised not to do and at the same time trying to ignore all this and instead following my heart is shattering me to pieces.

I keep lying to myself by believing that no harm will happen, but I definitely know the feeling of sadness, regret and shame I feel each time I do such deeds.

I run for Allah each time I feel I'm losing the battle against temptation, but devil plays games with me sometimes by making it appears harmless, which I know is not, and it will never be.

All what I ask Allah is to reward me and replace my loss with something better and grant me power to stand up again and continue my life and resist all this temptation.