My own world

One day all our dreams will come true ..

Monday, 22 December 2008

To My Dear and Loving Husband..

If ever two were one, then surely we.

If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;

If ever wife was happy in a man,

Compare with me ye women if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold,

Or all the riches that the East doth hold.

My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,

Nor ought but love from thee, give recompence.

Thy love is such I can no way repay,

The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.

Then while we live, in love let's so persever,

That when we live no more, we may live ever
By...Anna Bradstreet

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Orphan in all religions:

"Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan." (Hebrew Bible, Exodus 22:22)
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (
New Testament, James 1:27)
"Leave your orphans; I will protect their lives. Your widows too can trust in me." (
Hebrew Bible, Jeremiah 49:11)
And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- (The Holy Quran, The Human: 8)
Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, (The Holy Quran, The Morning Hours: 9)

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

My Prayer...

The pain that I feel in my heart is real,

But these are feelings that I don't want to feel.

Please Allah help me to be strong,

As I know feeling like this is wrong.

You know the pain that I feel in my heart,

Please take it away, make it depart.

I'm so tired and weary Dear Lord,

These feelings I cannot afford.

I want to feel alive, I want to feel free,

I want to be the best Muslim that I can be.

Please take this pain, throw it away,

I need to prostrate to You and pray.

Please Allah forgive my anger,

These feelings are from Shaitan- I'm in danger!

Please calm my heart, calm my mind,

Let me feel the peace that I yearn to find.

Thank You Allah for hearing me out,

Thank You Allah for allowing me to take the right route.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Sibling Forever

"There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; all that we send into the lives of others, comes back into our own"

Edwin Markham

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The Necklace

Between my hands, the necklace of pearls scatters…
I saw them roll

A pearl after a pearl.
Rolling to another realm but not mine.

Leaning in the fences of my kingdom,
I could hear but my sobs.

Love can heal hearts
But some needs a heal of love
To be freed
To be released...

Oh, everyone embarks in his journey
And in my kingdom I am weeping
Nothing will diminish my grieves but my tears
They are my rain winter and summer…day and light
Drawing a gloomy portrait of love.
Drawing me..
Journey with no destination…

Happy Eid

May the blessings of Allah

fill your life with happiness

and open all the doors of success

now and always

Eid Mubarak

Monday, 10 November 2008

A loving heart

Live, Smile and Forgive

With a Loving heart.

Live LOVE in all its sencere meanings..

in all its wide oceans.

A minute you live with a pure heart

is a Golden one.

And a Loving word form a Loving heart

worthes , indeed, all the world's gifts.

A loving heart is a cure

to the heart..

to the soul...

to the whole World!!

A loving heart cures

the envious hearts..

the worried hearts..

the Lonely hearts.

LOVE is greater than being buried by

balme, tears and regret.

is to live with a considerate heart, a peaceful soul and genuine emotions.

is to hold the memories of those who love you once.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


"You couldn't have strength without weakness; you couldn't have light without dark; you couldn't have love without loss"

From..The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

Saturday, 4 October 2008


We suffer...we cry....??????
From what............????
And for what.......?????
Because someone hurts us

We blame the pain...why we do so???
It isn't him who came to us....No
We who brought him to ourselves...cause we are hard to our hearts
..We are hard to our heart..When we cling to impossible hopes...ignoring what we will suffer cause it is simply IMPOSSIBLE!!!

We never learn...
We do the mistake over and over again
Each time we hurt ourselves more.
Till no pain could effect our heart
They become blindness as our minds which ignore the fact from the beginning

Though this pain hurts us a lot...
It still holds some good memory for our heart….our broken heart!!

Saturday, 27 September 2008

I Still Ask

He is there for me when no one else will listen
He is there for me when no one else will care
And with His love my inner-self can glisten
And lose its darkened troubles and despair

I know that I can never ever pay u
For all the debts you lent me in my Days
yet humbty,for more ,I still must ask u
And praise you,though you do not need my praise

My worldly wants do not mean a thing to u
For your eternal giving knows no pair
And when I'm needing I turn only to u
For you are kind, and just, and Ever-fair

When I'm alone,He is always there beside me
we meet and talk five times in every day
And all alone (knowing his presence by me)
I turn my face towards his and then I say

I know that I can never ever pay u
For all the debts you lent me in my Days
yet humbty,for more ,I still must ask u
And praise you,though you do not need my praise

So I still ask,for no one else will listen
And I still ask for no one else will care
On that last Day,when Fires are a-glisten
And enter Gardens those for whom you care!

By..Monshed: Ahmad Bo Khater

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

A Steal

He steals me from my world to his ...
A different world...
A world where the dream is the sky...
Hope is the stars...and tenderness is the moon.

He lightens my life with candles...
Sprinkles my path with daises...
I fly to that dreamy sky...
I dance, sing and Die!!
Die…because it is a Different World...

In his world, he decided to leave...

He left...
He left where I can't find him...and he can't find me…

Oh God!!
I am stabbed…
Stabbed with his farewell.
How can I live after him?
Does my pain have a cure?

Once my love enhanced..
And my joy, too.
Now is the turn of my pain!!

He left after my tears embraced him…
He left me alone with a broken heart…
A heart wept and wept and wept.
How hard is this life!!
Puts him in my way...then steals him from me.



Smile brings Hope.

Hope is life.

No life without hope..and No hope without life.

It is My Choice...

I'll dream cause I'm human..I'll dream nothing will stop me..
No pain..
No tear..
Even those who don't care!!

I'll dream as the blood flows in my vessel..As my lungs breathe
And my heart beats beats and beats….

I'll dive in my imagination..I'll climb my mountains and destroy my fears and worries..
I'll throw myself into the clouds of live and dance with my insanity!!

Here, on my wreck I'll draw the feelings of a soul..
The feelings of a soul once has lived…
Once has smiled and laughed.

On my grave, I'll plant daises and seek solace and patience..
I won't live my life…Sadness without hope..Heart without love..

I'll dream nothing will stop me..
No pain..
No tear..
Even those who don't care!!

I'll dream to live my lie..
I'll dream to know myself..
I'll dream cause I'm human…with soul and heart…

Monday, 15 September 2008

A memeory of Invasion

A memory of invasion always haunts me..
It was not an invasion of a country..
It was not an invasion of a territory..
It was an invasion of a heart..

My Heart..

My heart was invaded with armed soldiers..
With soldiers of love..
With soldiers of passion..

They announced my heart to be their right..
My heart tried to resist..
Tried not to accept..
Tried to confront..
At last, it waved the flag of submit,
Of surrender, of regret..

My heart chose to be the salve of this love..
To live under this love..
To live under this passion..

But, he suffered ..
He wept…
Not of submit..
But trying to not forget..
He was just a slave..
He was just a slave..
He suffered because he loved his invader
He wept because he adored his raider

He couldn't love and be silent..
He couldn't ..
He couldn't…

One day, he revealed his love..
He revealed his passion and obsession..
Me too..was the invader's replay!!
I love you too..
I adore you too..
But, it was too late..
It was too late to love..
It was too late to adore..

It was time to leave..
It was time to escape..

It was only time to die..
To die together as we suffered together..
My heart killed him
As his heart did to me..

It is not a memory of invasion..
It is a memory of love.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Complain all...Life is for whom!!!

Everyone I have ever met is complaining about his or her life. Each one has its own concerns..Its gloomy world!!

I see people and contemplate

Is there any one happy in this life?
Is there any one in this universe doesn't have a single problem?
When we face problems what we do and how we react?

My heart sank in thinking of this gloomy world. I tried to forget but I couldn’t I'm one of this miserable people!!

I decided to read Quran asking God to remove those dark clouds from my heart. When I was reading the holy verses, I discovered the answers for all these questions cloudening my heart and the hearts of most people…

It is all the time in front of us but we choose not to look enjoying this dismal life or simply ignoring this fact!!

The answers are in this holy verse: ((Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah.. And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception? ))

Indeed, it is a life where people are involved in bragging in wealth and sons!!
Our eyes are blind and our hearts are blocked!!

Oh God …How significant those words when they touch the illuminating minds!!
Oh God…How great those words when we contemplate them!!

Life is an ephermel joy..
Happiness in this life is a mere mirage…
The closer we are, the further it is..

No one is comfortable in this life!!
All chase its joys!!

But life is epheremal and its joys are transient and mere seduction.
So, how can we have happiness?
How can we have comfort?
How can we have peace?

God said ((Be ye foremost (in seeking) Forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden (of Bliss), the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His apostles: that is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom he pleases: and Allah is the Lord of Grace abounding.))

Here is the secret,,,
Here is the true happiness
In Heaven…in Paradise…between the hand of God..
Only here we can enjoy worriless and undisturbed life.

No use to be miserable…
No use to be sad..
No use to complain..

God has destined this to us 50.000 years before he has created the skies and earth..No one could change this..No tears, no complains, no frowns.

It is God's will…
It is God's destiny..
We have to submit, to be contented and to be patient..

PATIENTCE only could wipe our tears, could relieve our pains and closen us to the eternal happiness in Paradise…

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Where Am I Standing?

"This time like all other times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it"

Many of us spend much of our lives wishing for better times. Some may wish they could open the pages of their lives to a happier PAST..a more happy moment much better than now. Others may wish just to move forward towards the same goal..a happier FUTURE other than NOW.
Both try to escape NOW. It is the present that most of us try to run away from..though it is the only moment we can have!!

However, those who are looking for their "Brilliant Past" are mere deceptive!! They deceive themselves with remembering only" The Good Days" and ignoring the fact that they at that time were looking at them as "Sad and miserable"!! Even if they were really "Good Old Days" , they still avoid remembering that they were unpleasant days, too. They only focus on the positive aspects of the PAST and ignore the negative ones. Surprisingly, they do exactly the opposite with the PRESENT. They concentrate too much on the negative aspects of the present ignoring completely the great moments of their lives they can enjoy now.

This is exactly the case to those who are looking towards FUTURE. The PAST and the PRESENT are gloomy while the FUTURE is the only prospective time ever ignoring the fact that PRESENT is a future ,too.

Anyway, to me neither case apply!!
I was remembering the PAST as a miserable period in my life and that the FUTURE was promising no more good either !!

The PAST, this MOMENT and the FUTURE were the same ..No motion, No thinking…....No happiness at all.

I couldn't find a goal for my life neither in the PAST nor in the FUTURE!!!
But in an impulsive moment, I decided to change choose a new way..A unique method.
No use of looking at the PAST as gloomy, since I had had wonderful moments with those who love me and care about me. All people have experienced the feeling of loss..loss of a friend, a dear person, money or even as simple as a pet!

Still, life continues promising a marvelous FUTURE, a new Dawn.

No use of crying over the PAST because it will never change. It is not only me who had sad moments or lost dear least I still have someone care about me and love me even if they didn’t show that…Still, they care.

Thus, I decided to stop thinking of the PAST as stop thinking that I'm the only distressed person in the universe ..simply because I'm not.
Similarly, FUTURE is a chance to a better life. So why I sentenced it to death before it is born?
That is all deprived me from living my life..I couldn’t enjoy my Past , my Present or my Future
But today I am a unique person, I am a different soul.

I will enjoy my PAST, because I had people who loved me.
I will enjoy my PRESENT, because I have people who love me.
I will enjoy my Future, because I will have people who love me.

(No more escape of the moment)
My life was, is and will be always happy, if God wills…….

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem...

Ramadan is the Holy Month in which the Holy Quran has been inspired to our

prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him.

It is the month of peace, faith and mercy...

It is the month where We have to be forgiven, merciful, faithful to deserve God's Forgiveness.

Let's start today...

Forgive our friends' fault..

Be merciful to others...

Enhance our faith in our God...

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Her new map..

(All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.)

A line sums up the reality, the reality of our own lives. I have always been interested in what makes a family happy?...Rather what makes a person happy? Is it friends? is it money? or is it simply being contented with what you have even if it is too little?

But what if a person has friends, money and is contented with what she has but still she is unhappy?! She is unhappy in her own way!

What if this unhappy person is the same one who writes these words, the same one who tries to find the truth of " Happiness"?!

What shall she do? What shall she do?!

Shall she go to her usual dark corner? or Shall she swim in the depth of her own heart?
It has been 3 years till now and she still in that corner…Is it really the time to open that door??

But, it is a difficult question. It is hard to try discover the truth of happiness alone. Alone…yes, this is the key word.


This is the answer " Alone"….It is her own way of unhappiness!!

She has friends around her but still she feels alone; she has money but still she feels alone, she is contended but still she feels so alone!!

Loneliness becomes a feature of her life. It is not a condition of being among people or not….it is a condition of feelings, is a condition of heart. She feels the same when she is surrounded and when she is in her own room….Alone.

Her loneliness is her own way. She is alone not because she doesn't have people around her, but because all these people don’t care!!! She needs to be loved, to be appreciated, to be IMPORTANT.

Her loneliness is her own way. Three years, she seems as if standing in amid of desert..listens only to the wind and feels the heat of the sun not on her body ..but in her heart…to cry and weep and nobody listen but winds, this is Loneliness.

To live as a hypnotized for three years is not easy..and the most difficult is to try to lie!!
Three years and she could not abandon her friend..this friend who imposes itself on her !! Wherever she goes it accompanies her stealing everything but her tears.
Yes, this friend deprives her from everything but tears..her cheeks become a witness of this friendship!!

Three years and she tries to deceive herself …to deceive her mind. She closes all her heart's doors..and convince her mind that she loves this friend and its company could be her friend forever.

At last, she decides to open that door after three years..after three years in the prison of that friend. She opens it to discover the truth ..the truth that she has been hiding for three years, hiding from everyone even her own mind!!

She doesn’t want to be a friend of loneliness, she doesn't want to live alone anymore, to live that big lie!!

She wants to change the map of all her life…to be born again a new person…to simply be as all happy family.

She is certain that she will walk a baby step towards this new map..She may spend her lifelong to achieve this goal, but at least she might know a new friend…she might be able to change that dark corner to a more colorful one…

That door is opened now and no way of retreating.
No more lies, no more deception could be believable…she has chosen to open that door and she has to continue..

She will trade that path holding FOUR hopes for four PERSONS:

That he will be proud of her..
The other to forgive her
And she to be her friend again
and finally that Allah will reward him for everything he has done, to bless him all his life

Thanks God for everything…Thanks God for sending him to her..Thanks God.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

(I) Can't Believe You're Gone...

Dad, (my) sadness knows no end;
(I) can’t believe you’re gone;
(I'm) grieving for you every day;
It’s hard to carry on.

You were always there to support and care,
When (I) needed a true friend,
How (I)’ll ever do without (my) dad,
(I) cannot comprehend.

You were (my) teacher and (my) guide,
(My) dad, so good and strong;
Your example will sustain (me) now,
And last (my) whole (life) long.

(I'm) trying to communicate;
(I) hope that you can hear;
Expressing what (I) feel for you,
Helps (me) feels you’re near.

(My) memories of the times we had
Help the pain to go away.
But Dad, (my) life won’t be the same;
(I)’ll miss you every day.

A part of (me) went with you;
You left a gap too big to fill;
You’re (my) father and (my) hero;
(I) love you and (I) always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Friday, 15 August 2008

Don't judge what is above my head but judge what inside my head!!

I really want to send this messege to every one whether a Muslim or not...Wearing a Veil is all mere a choice made by the woman herself..No one can force her to wear it or not..though there are many evidences of its obligation...It is still the woman's chioce to wear it or not.

Many have argued whether the woman should wear only a scarf or wear both the scarf and the veil .However, apart of these arguments ,people must know one thing, as King Rania said

Don't judge what is above our head, Judge what is inside our head!

That is really what matters..not my veil or scarf....but what i can do for my religion, country, societyand my family.

I'm proud of wearing my judge my mind, opinion and knowledge. Dont't judge the colour of my veil!!

Veil in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah (2)

To continue in the previous subject of Veil....the essay goes on:

Narrated “Abdullah bin Umar (radhiallaho unho) a man asked. “O Allah’s Messenger! What kind of clothes have you ordered for us in the state of Ihram? The Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) said:
“He should not wear a shirt, trousers, a turban, a head-cloak, except if he can find no slippers he can wear leather socks after cutting off what might cover the ankles. And he should not wear clothes which are scented with saffron or wars (kinds of perfume) and Muhrimah should not let down veil and should not wear gloves.”(Sahih-al-Bukhari Kitab-ul-Manasik)
When we study the Hadith cited above, we find two things:
(a) This is a special rule for women while they are in Ihram. It is also proved from the Hadith that the general ruling for the women while out of Ihram are that, they should wear gloves, socks and let down the veil over their faces. If there was no practice of this Hijab (i.e. wearing of socks, gloves and covering of face with Jalbab) then there was no need for this specification in Ihram.
As one verse of the Quran explains the meaning of another verse of the Quran, in the same manner one Hadith is explanation of the other Hadith. Same is the case with the Hadith of Abdullah bin Umar narrated by Imam Bukhari in his book Sahih-al-Bukhari. Because the Hadith of Abu Daood narrated by Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) explains the meaning of Sahih Bukhari’s Hadith. Complete Hadith of Abu Daood is as follows:
“Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) said: Riders would pass us when we accompanied the Apostle of Allah (SAW) while we were in the sacred state (wearing Ihram). When they would pass by us one of us would let down her garment from her head over her face, and when they had passed on, we would uncover our faces.” (Narrated by Abu Daood Kitab-ul-Manasik wal-Hajj.
The words of Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) are the clear evidence that the covering of face for women is obligatory. Opening of face for women in the state of Ihram is obligatory according to many scholars, and an obligation can be given up only when there is an order which cancels it. But if that action of Ayesha and other mother of Ummah was not correct then the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) should certainly have forbidden them
Some people cite the incident of Fatima bint Qais (radhiallaho unha) which is as follow s:
“Fatima bint Qais reported that Abu Amr bin Hafs divorced her absolutely when he was away from home and he sent his agent to her with some barley. She was displeased with him and when he said: I swear by Allah that you have no claim on us, she went to Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) and told him about that. He (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) said: He owes you no maintenance, and he (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) commanded her to spend the Iddah in the house of Umm Sharik, but then said: That is a woman whom my companions visit. So better spend this period in the house of Ibn Umm Maktum, for he is a blind man and you can put off your veil---------“(Narrated by Sahih Muslim). The same Hadith is reported in the books of Hadith in slightly different words.
From the above Hadith it is proved that Abu Hafs bin Mughira was away from home when he sent the irrevocable divorce to his wife Fatima bint Qais through his agent.
So when Fatima bint Qais (radhiallaho unha) received irrevocable divorce from her husband, she was afraid that she might be put to hardship, particularly, when she knew that there was no provision of lodging and alimony for her, because her husband had sent her only five measures of dates and five measures of barley which were insufficient for her during her waiting period (i.e. Iddah), particularly, in the absence of any other provision of lodging and alimony.
Under the above circumstances Fatima bint Qais said: “By Allah, I will inform Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) and if alimony is due to me then I will accept that which will be sufficient for me and if it is not due to me, I will not accept anything from him”. When she mentioned that to Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) and he (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) said:
“How many pronouncements of divorce have been made to you? I said: Three. He (SAW) said what he had stated was true. There is no alimony and lodging for you.” She was required to spend the Iddah and he (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) sent her the message that she should not be hasty in making a decision about herself and commanded her to move to the house of Umm Sharik. Then sent her the message that the companions (frequently) visit the house of Umm Sharik (as she had a very large family and had so many relatives to visit her). Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) did not deem it proper to keep her in her house as her visitors were non-Mehram to Fatima bint Qais and she was thus required to observe veil). She was advised to go to the house of Ibn Umm Maktum, the blind. Then the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) further said, “In case you put off head-dress he (Ibn Umm Maktum) will not see you”. So she went to his house and when the Iddah was over, Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) married her to Usama bin Zaid bin Haritha.
Some people argue that Allah allowed aged women to put off their veil. They argue that Allah states in His Book: “And as for women past child-bearing, who do not expect wedlock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing----------”
If we study the complete verse then we find that this exemption of putting off the outer garments for aged women is conditional. It is clear from the following verse:
“And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wedlock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And Allah is All Hearer, All Knower”. (An-Nur: 60)
Although Allah allowed the aged women to discard their outer clothing yet He also said that “But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them.”
As far as the narration of Jabir bin Abdullah is concerned the incident might have taken place before the revelation of instructions regarding veil, because the Eid Prayer was made obligatory in the 2nd Hijra while the instructions were revealed in 5th or 6th Hijra. (For reference please see Seerat Ibn Hasham)
So, it is not possible to draw a conclusion against observing veil from this incident.
So from the narration of Jabir bin Abdullah also we cannot draw a rule for young women.

Another incident that proved that the obligation of covering face is narrated by Imam Muslim:
“Muhammad bin Qais said (to the people): Should not I narrate to you [(a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam)] on my authority and on the authority of my mother? We thought that he meant the mother who had given him birth. He (Muhammad bin Qais) then reported that it was Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) who had narrated this: Should not I narrate to you (an incident) about myself and about the Messenger of Allah (sallallaho alaihi wasallam)? We said: Yes. She said: When it was my turn for Allah’s Messenger (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) to spend the night with me, he turned up, put on his mantle and took off his shoes and placed them near his feet. He spread the corner of his shawl on his bed and then lay down till he thought that I had gone to sleep. He took hold of his mantle and put on the shoes, and opened the door and went out and then closed it quietly, I covered my head, put on my veil and tightened my waist wrapper, then went out following his steps till he reached Baqi’. He stood there for a long time. He then lifted his hands three times and then returned and I also returned.”--------(Sahih Muslim)
This tradition also proves that the covering of face with veil is obligatory. If the covering of the face was not obligatory then there was no need for Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) to cover it.

There are many Ahadith that prove that covering of face for women is obligatory. But the traditions quoted above sufficiently prove the point. May Allah enable us to carry out His commands. Ameen!

Veil in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah (1)

Scholars differ whether the veil must cover the hands and face or not. There are two schools of thought. One school of thought says the veil must cover the hands and face, while the other school of thought says the veil should only cover the body, face and hands are not necessary. First of all we see the arguments of the second school of thought.
1. Allah the Almighty states in the Quran “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual act, etc.) and not show off their adornment except only which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes) and to draw their veils, all over Juyubihinna and not to reveal their adornment --------” (Surah An-Nur 24;31)
They argue that Allah gives permission to open face and hands and it is clear from the words of “except only that which is apparent”.
2. Ayesha (radhiallaho unha) reported that once her sister, Asma (radhiallaho unha) visited her in finery------while the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) was at home. He (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) turned away from her and said, “O Asma, when a woman reaches puberty it is not lawful for her to uncover any part of her body except this.” He (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) then pointed to his face and hand. (Abu Daood)
The above narration is one of the most commonly presented as proof for leaving the face and hands uncovered.
3. Narrated Anas (radhiallaho unho) on the day (of the battle) of Uhud when (some) people retreated and left the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) I saw Ayesha bint Abi Bakar and Umm Sulaim with their robes tucked up so that the bangles around their ankles were visible, hurrying with their water skins (in another narration it is said, “carrying the water skins on their backs”) Then they would pour water in the mouths of the people, and return to fill the water skins again and come back again to pour water into the mouths of the people.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Some peoples argue that if Hijab is essential then why were the bangles of Ayesha bint Abi Bakr and Umm Sulaim visible around their ankles?
4. Jabir bin Abdullah said I attended the Eid Prayer with the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam). First he offered the prayer before Khutba without Adhan and Iqamah. Then, as he was leaning against Bilal (radhiallaho unho) and ordered to fear Allah and come towards His obedience. He preached the people and advised them. After this he attended to women and preached them. He said to them to give alms. Many of them are the fuel of Hell. One woman who had thin cheeks stood up------”
Some people also argue from this tradition that covering face for women is not obligatory.
Now we analyse the above evidences and also the evidences of the other school of thought.
2. “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or hands and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna and not to reveal adornment except ---------“(Surah An Nur)
Scholars who believe that face and hands are not included in Hijab argue that Allah allowed the woman to uncover the face and hand as Allah, the Almighty states in these words “except only that which is apparent.” They also argue that the commentary of Ibn Abbas (radhiallaho unho) cleared the meaning of the words “except only that which is apparent.
According to Ibn Abbas the meaning of the “except only that which is apparent, “ is the face and hands.
The commentary of Ibn Abbas is accepted only when there is no other commentary against the commentary of Ibn Abbas. But there are some commentaries of the other companions of the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam), like Ibn Masud. The commentary of Ibn Masud of “-except only that which is apparent “is that of outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron etc. Because there is no way one can cover these things i.e. outer dress, veil, gloves etc.
It is also narrated that Asma (radhiallaho unha) visited in finery while the Prophet was at home ---------(Abu Daood)
There are some internal and external evidences and due to these evidences this Hadith of Abu Daood cannot be relied upon. It is clear from the following discussion :-
The narration of Anas (radhiallaho unho) can be elaborated in the following three ways:-
This is the event of the Ghazwa Uhad and the Ghazwa Uhad was fought in Shawal 03 Hijra, while on the other hand the instructions regarding veil were revealed in fifth or sixth Hijra. The event of Ayesha bint Abi Bakr and Umm Sulaim took place before the revelation of these instructions. So this event cannot become a concluding evidence.
Muslim women tended to the wounded during the holy battles in the state of Hijab, following the ordainment of Hijab.
The event of battle of Uhud or some other events of holy battles are exceptional. Principally we cannot draw a permanent rule from such exceptional events.


Wednesday, 13 August 2008


Remember me when I am gone away,

Gone far away into the silent land;

When you can no more hold me by the hand,

Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.

Remember me when no more day by day

You tell me of our future that you plann'd:

Only remember me; you understand

It will be late to counsel then or pray.

Yet if you should forget me for a while

And afterwards remember, do not grieve:

For if the darkness and corruption leave

A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,

Better by far you should forget and smile

Than that you should remember and be sad.

By Christina Rossetti

I had a Emily Dickinson

I held a jewel in my fingers

And went to sleep

The day was warm, and winds were prosy

I said, "Twill keep"

I woke - and chide my honest fingers,

The Gem was gone And now,

an Amethyst remembrance Is all I own.

Monday, 11 August 2008


I KNOW what the caged bird feels, alas!
When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass,
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
When the first bird sings and the first bud opes,
And the faint perfume from its chalice steals —
I know what the caged bird feels!

I know why the caged bird beats his wing
Till its blood is red on the cruel bars;
For he must fly back to his perch and cling
When he fain would be on the bough a-swing;
And a pain still throbs in the old, old scars
And they pulse again with a keener sting —
I know why he beats his wing!

I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,—
When he beats his bars and he would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings —
I know why the caged bird sings!
By the great poet Dunbar

Saturday, 9 August 2008

I still have colour in my life!!!!

There is pain everywhere...
Still, there is life everywhere.
I have my pains....but I have my life, too.
I have a black-white day...but I have many colourful days.
Yes, I'm sad..
Still, I have hope, love, eagriness to life.
I try hard to colour my be blue, yellow, red and green.
I hope you swim in My Colourful World ...just to know that I really stil have life within my heart!!

Friday, 8 August 2008


I was a child..
so innocent,
so naive!!

I built a castel of sand..
Idreamed of a wonderful land!!

I flew with birds..
I played with children around the world!!

I was a flower..
I was rain..
I was sun..
I was the princess of my land!!

I was a child..
so innocent,
so naive!!

I lived in that world twenty years..
so happy, so pleased.

Till one day, one slapped me in my face!!
I wake up crying..

I cried over my ruined life..
I was no flower any more
I was no rain any more
I was no Princess any more!!

My dreamland became only a ghost land..
No one live there.
No laugh..
No shout..
Only Me and the mirage!!

I was so alone..
So frightened..
I did not know where to go..
I did not know what to do..
I was only Alone.

I tried to know who had done this to me..
who had slapped me on my face?
But, I did not sereach long...
Soon I found out..
Soon I knew who had done this to me..

It was only Reality..
It was only Life..
It was how people suppose to live in this life!!

No dreams..
No wishes..
No desires..

I was a child..
So innocent,
So naive!!

Thursday, 7 August 2008


Tonight is different..

No stars...

No moon..

Only Darkness in my Zone.

I wonder..

Is that who I am ..

A starless

Moonless night?

I try to sort out the truth..

What is the meaning of my life?

What is my ife for?

But all I know are memories..

Memories of depart..

Momories of farewell and Goodbye.

A tear rolls down my cheek..

I felt I was very weak.

All my life I thought

Farewell is death..and death is depart!

I have never thought

I will depart with someone still laugh

with someone still alive!

It is more painful..

more torturous is only more destructive.

But what can I do?

Shall I cry?

Shall I weep?

But What shall I gain?

I wept every one I have met..

But no one I ever met..

Still tonight is a differnt night..

and I'll do something different.

I'll forget this farewel

and I'll pary for him.

I'll pray for him

and I'll pary for me

To know who am I?

To be as he teaches me

to be

A starful

